Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC signed MOU with the Mayor of Prizren municipality

Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC signed MOU with the Mayor of Prizren municipality

On 24th of April 2019 Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC has signed MOU with the Mayor of Prizren municipality. The overall partnership between Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC and the Municipality of Prizren will support joint initiatives, sustainable economic and cultural integration of minority communities, sustainable integration and return of IDPs through the implementation…

Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC payed initial visits to Gracanica and Strpce Collective Centers

Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC payed initial visits to Gracanica and Strpce Collective Centers

On 17th and 18th of April 2019 Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC, an UNHCR partner payed initial visits to Gracanica and Strpce Collective Centers and relevant local stakeholders as part of the project “Improved durable solutions opportunities for internally displaced persons“. Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC has initiated focus groups in the following collective centers:…

Istraživačko novinarstvo i prikupljanje podataka

Istraživačko novinarstvo i prikupljanje podataka

NVO “Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju” – FDMC u saradnji sa NVO „Komunikacija za razvoj društva“ – CSD je u subotu, 13 aprila 2019. godine, u Gračanici,   odražala trening na temu “Istraživačko novinarstvo i prikupljanje podataka“. Trening “Istraživačko novinarstvo i prikupljanje podataka“ je generisan na osnovu prethodno razvijenih FDMC i CSD istraživačkih analiza…