FDMC tim sa decom na Svetski dan deteta / FDMC team with children on World Children’s Day
Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, u partnerstvu sa UNICEF-om, na nesvakidašnji način obeležili su Međunarodni dan deteta. Naime ove dve organizacije su desetoro dece iz Gračanice obradovale prvo poklon paketićima koji su sadržali brošure, sveskice, kolaz papire, makazice, bojice, maske i denzifekciona sredstva, a onda su putem Zoom platforme održali kratki sastanak sa mališanima i njihovim roditeljima.
Mališani su kroz igru iskazali svoju kreativnost i znanje o pandemiji koronavirusa. Mala i velika dečica su bila u prilici da video porukom pošalju poruku svim svojim vršnjacima da Svetski dan deteta ne sme da ukrade korona i da ćemo zajedničkim snagama i entuzijazmom deteta da pobedimo ovu pošast koja je napala čitav svet.
U interaktivnoj komunikaciji dečica, roditelji, predstavnici nevladine organizacije Foruma za razvoj i multietničku saradnju razgovarali su o unapređivanju prava deteta ne samo u svojoj sredini u kojojoj žive već i u čitavom regionu i svetu.
Iako se danas ne okupljamo kao ranije ipak osmesi i radost dece da se njihov dan obeleži prikladno njihovom uzrastu nisu izostali.
Pokazujući i komentarišući crteže Korona virusa roditelji su shvatili da su njihova deca i te kako svesna današnje situacije sa epidemijom, sto je roditelje podstaklo da se opreznije i odgovornije trebaju odnositi prema čitavoj pandemiji kako bi njihova deca i oni sa njima doprineli zaustavljanju virusa.
UNICEF podseća na poštovanje Konvencije o pravima deteta koje je Generalna skupština UN usvojila je 20. novembra 1989. godine, prvi međunarodni dokument u oblasti ljudskih prava koji se posebno bavi decom.Konvenciju su ratifikovale 193 države, a njeni osnovni principi su pravo na život, opstanak i razvoj, najbolji interes deteta, pravo na participaciju kao i pravo na nediskriminaciju.
Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration, in partnership with UNICEF, has marked the International Children’s Day in an unusual way. Namely, these two organizations first delighted ten children from Gracanica with gift packages which contained brochures, notebooks, collage paper, scissors, crayons, masks and disinfectants, and then they organized a short meeting with the children and their parents via the Zoom application.
Children expressed their creativity and knowledge about the coronavirus pandemic through the play. Young and older children had the opportunity to send a video message to all their peers, that corona virus must not steal the World Children’s Day, and that with the joint strength and enthusiasm of the child we will defeat this plague that has attacked the whole world.
In the interactive communication of children, parents, representatives of the NGO Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration discussed the promotion of children’s rights not only in their environment in which they live but also in the entire region and the world.
Although we do not gather today on the same way as before, the smiles and joy of the children to mark their day according to their age were not absent.
By showing and commenting on children’s drawings of the Corona virus, parents realized that their children are well aware of the current situation with the epidemic. This encouraged parents to be more careful and responsible in dealing with the entire pandemic in order to contribute to stopping the virus, together with their children.
UNICEF recalls respect for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, the first international human rights document specifically addressing children. The Convention has been ratified by 193 states, and its basic principles are the right to life, survival and development, the best interests of the child, the right to participation and the right to non-discrimination.