Vakcinacija – prvi korak ka zdravom odrstanju / Vaccination – the first step towards growing up healthy
Imunizacija, kao globalna priča o uspehu i najvećem dostignuću u domenu javnog zdravlja, koja spašava milione života. Poslednje dve godine je posebno aktuelna tema imunizacije jer je Svet doživeo pandemiju korona virusa.
„Duže od dva veka kako vakcine doprinose bezbednijem odrastanju, evo da krenem od prve vakcine protiv velikih boginja pa sve do poslednje protiv COVID-a 19, mi se kao zdravstveni radnici trudimo da svakom roditelju objasnimo kolike su koristi za zdravo odrastanje njihove dece i godinama uspevamo u tome.“ Ovako medicinska sestra ,Violeta Đorđević,koja gotovo tri decenije radi u sektor vakcinacije započinje priču o imunizaciji.
Kao zdravstveni radnici, trudimo se da svakom roditelju objasnimo prednosti vakcinacije za normalan rast i razvoj dece i u tome godinama uspevamo“, nastavlja Violeta.
Njen uspeh u radu i međuljudskoj komunikaciji sa pacijentima odaje priznanje bračni par Cumpalević iz sela Sevce, opština Štrpce, čiji je 19-mesečni sin Vasilije do sada primio sve vakcine u skladu sa kalendarom vakcinacije, a Violeta je to uradila, objašnjavajući roditeljima važnost redovne imunizacije.
Anica i Dušan Cumpalević istakli su da im je zdravlje njihovog Vasilija najvažnije i da nisu oklevali da pozovu medicinsku sestru nakon što je Vasilije primio MMR vakcinu, da ih posavetuje o pojavi blažih simptoma posle vakcinacije.
„Posle bliskog razgovora sa medicinskom sestrom, kao majka sam shvatila da je Violeta apsolutno posvećena svim pacijentima i da njenu brigu o pacijentima prati humanost i stručnost“, kaže Anica.
„Načiniti prvi korak je uspeh a mislim da smo mi na dobrom putu da uspehe nižemo jer je Maša vakcinisana osnovnim vakcinama i to je delom i zasluga naših sestara sa vakcinacije jer imaju pristup pacijentima kakav se samo poželeti može“, ističe Maja Vuković.
Obuhvat imunizacijom u Zubinom Potoku prema redovnom kalendaru vakcinacije je 92%, dok je procenat vakcinisane dece u Štrpcu čak 98%.
U cilju promocije imunizacije kao najboljeg načina zaštite dece od raznih bolesti, svake godine se obeležava Svetska nedelja imunizacije. Ovogodišnja Nedelja imunizacije obeležena je i organizovana pod temom „Dug život za sve“, koja naglašava važnost vakcinacije kao i pravičnosti vakcinacije. U tom kontekstu, NVO Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju, uz podršku UNICEF-a na Kosovu, obeležila je nedelju imunizacije kroz promociju imunizacije zajedno sa medicinskim sestrama iz Domova zdravlja u Zubinom Potoku i Štrpcu.
Dug život za sve jedan je od najlepših slogana koji u svakom pogledu opisuje sektor vakcinacije“, kaže Ljiljana Perović, medicinska sestra Doma zdravlja Zubin Potok koja je učestvovala u aktivnostima Svetske nedelje imunizacije organizovane u Zubinom Potoku.
„Kao zdravstveni radnici Doma zdravlja Zubin Potok, vodeći se ovim sloganom, stalno ističemo značaj imunizacije, razgovaramo sa roditeljima o bezbednosti vakcina, dajemo savete, kontinuirano naglašavajući da redovna vakcinacija spasava milione života i iskorenjuje različite bolesti“, zaključila je Ljiljana.
Vaccination – the first step towards growing up healthy
Immunization is one of the greatest achievements in global health, saving millions of lives every year. Immunization has been especially relevant in the last two years, as the whole world faced a pandemic of the coronavirus.
„Vaccines have been contributing to safer growth of children for more than two centuries. I will mention only a few: the vaccine against smallpox and measles, cough, tuberculosis, all the way to the vaccine against COVID-19“. This is how Violeta Djordjevic, a nurse who has been working in the vaccination sector for almost three decades, begins the story of immunization.
„As healthcare professionals, we do our best to explain the benefits of vaccination for the healthy growth of children to every single parent, and we have been succeeding in that for years“, continues Violeta.
Her success in work and in interpersonal communication with patients is acknowledged by the married couple Cumpalević from the village of Sevce, Strpce municipality, whose 19-month-old son Vasilije has, so far, received all vaccines in accordance with the vaccination calendar, and it was Violeta who did it, explaining the importance of regular immunization to the parents.
Anica and Dušan Cumpalević pointed out that the health of their Vasilije is most important to them and that they did not hesitate to call the nurse after Vasilije received the MMR vaccine, to advise them about the appearance mild symptoms after vaccination.
„After a close discussion with the nurse, as a mother I realized that Violeta is absolutely committed to all patients and her care for patients is accompanied by humanity and expertise“, says Anica.
An almost identical situation is described by Maja Vuković from Zubin Potok, whose two-year-old daughter Maša was properly vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar.
„Taking the first step is success, and I think we are on a good path to continue with our further successes because Masha has received the basic vaccinations, which is, partly, the merit of our nurses from the vaccination department, given that their approach to patients is such that one can only wish“, Maja Vuković pointed out.
Immunization coverage in Zubin Potok according to the regular vaccination calendar is 92%, while the percentage of vaccinated children in Štrpce is as high as 98%.
To promote immunization as the best way to protect children from various diseases, each year it is marked the World Immunization Week. This year’s Immunization Week was marked and organized under the theme „Long Life for All“, which highlights the importance of vaccinations as well as vaccine equity. In that context, the NGO Forum for Development and Multiethnic Cooperation, supported by UNICEF in Kosovo marked the Immunization week through promotion of immunization together with the nurses from Health Centers in Zubin Potok and Štrpce.
„Long life for all is one of the most beautiful slogans that describes the vaccination sector in every respect“, says Ljiljana Perović, the nurse from Zubin Potok Health Center who participated in the activities of the World Immunization Week organized in Zubin Potok.
„As health workers of Zubin Potok Health Center, guided by this slogan, we constantly emphasize the importance of immunization, talk to parents about the safety of vaccines, give advice, continuously emphasizing that regular vaccination saves millions of lives and eradicates various diseases“, concluded Ljiljana.