Gracanica Bridge Rewiring 2021
Proposed project “Gracanica Bridge rewiring 20/21” will further promote social cohesion, civic engagement initiatives, and the most important an open dialogues part of the transformation process that will further contribute to the open society principles promotion, open debates on the currently very important topics for the minority communities in Central Kosovo.
The overall project will be built on up-to-date FDMC engagement results and deliverables and will further trigger and promote civic initiatives potential using already established “Civic Energy Center-CEC” premises managed by FDMC. “Civic Energy Center-CEC” was opened on the 15th of May 2019 and hosted around 2,800 people through 180 events.
On the other side, judging by the success up to date, FDMC has further supported social cohesion and better community and CSO representatives putting the dialogue process at the forefront positive transformation.
In addition, the project will further support favorable environment for the civic engagement, community participation in the decision making process and overall growth by further strengthening and delivering high level and local debates with relevant and eminent representatives.
The project will further facilitate and provoke open discussion and understanding between communities by encouraging different opinions on “very hot and sensitive” topics that are important for both sides, south and north, Pristina and Mitrovica and all relevant other interested parties. Project is funded by Kosovo Foundation for Open Society/KFOS.