The overall objective of the project is to support transparency and free flow of information in six minority local governments (south of Ibar) through increased research, advocacy, monitoring, strengthened technical capacities of the local independent media. The specific objectives of the project will aim to develop independent media research and monitoring skills in order to comprehensively track local governments activities and transparency through the human rights, gender equality based lens. Potential allies and target groups of the project will be local media including RTV Puls, City radio, radio Kim, RTV Herc, Radio Klokot,TV/ Gracanica-online and close collaboration with national RTK/RTK2 media expected to cover and promote results and activities that will be delivered. Through the proposed activities local dialog will be promoted and improved while partners will be empowered and trained to take ownership responsibility to develop their own aptitude to manage activities effectively. There are five results that project will deliver:
1. Capacities of existing six (6) Media from the six (6) minority target municipalities will be raised and improved through formal trainings.
2.Increased monitoring research outputs by 6 local Media.
3.Increased six Media local governments scrutiny.
4.Increased flow of free information through greater transparency;
5. Two (2) five (5) months’ cycles of the researches and reports of the free flow of information and public transparency impact prepared