Pandemija ne bi trebalo da ometa redovnu imunizaciju deteta/The pandemic should not interfere regular immunization of a child
U Zdravstvenom centru Gnjilane sa sedištem u Pasjanu vakcinacija dece vrši se redovno prema kalendaru imunizacije u svih sedam ambulantnih stanica. U Gornjem Kuscu nadomak Gnjilana svakog četvrtka zakazuje se vakcinacija dece, odaziv za imunizaciju bio je isti kao i pre epidemije korona virusa ističe koordinator za vakcinaciju specijalista pedijatrije Dr Violeta Trajković.
Prema redovnom planu imunizacije, vakcinacija se vrši od samog rođenja deteta sve do 18 godine života,u tom periodu deca stiču imunitet protiv deset zaraznih bolesti. Pandemija koronavirusa nije omela redovno vakcinisanje dece ističe specijalista pedijatrije dr Violeta Trajković u Zdravstvenom centru Gnjilane – Pasjane gde imaju 1.000 kartona za vakcinaciju.
Prema tvrdnji Dr Trajković „100 odsto dece se u ambulanti u Gornjem Kuscu vakciniše. Da bi dete bilo vakcinisano neophodno je da bude potpuno zdravo,posebna pažnja se obraća na neurološki i fiziološki nalaz u periodu vakcinacije MMR vakcinom.Ukoliko je dete slabijeg zdravstvenog stanja, kada je prehlađeno ili je trenutno sa nekom virusnom infekcijom onda se vakcinisanje odlaže do perioda potpunog ozdravljenja. Pregled odojčadi kao i svih ostalih pacijenata obavlja se uz poštovanje svih epidemioloških mera. „
U vreme pandemije reorganizacija prostora je uređena tako da u toku vakcinacije odeljenje pedijatrije radi samo sa zdravom decom, roditeljima,starateljima se prilikom ulaska u ambulantu meri temperatura.
Za Jović Ivanu majku dvogodišnje Aleksandre i tromesečnog Dimitrija, imunizacije dece je od presudnog značaja za normalan rast i razvoj svakog deteta. „Nemam dilemu-vakcinacija dece je na prvom mestu, mirnija i spokojnija sam jer su moja deca nakon vakcinacije zaštićena od svih tih zaranih bolesti. Svaku preporuku, savet primenjujemo, čuvamo se i ne izlazimo sem u najneophodnijim situacijama, jer je korona prisutna u našem društvu i to je jedino od čega sada sa decom i suprugom strahujemo, ali mogu da pohvalim našu dr Violeta jer je ona u svakom trenutku tu za nas i za našu decu, njen savet nas umiri i pruži nam nadu da će sve ovo uskoro proći“, zaključuje Jović Ivana stanovnica Gornjeg Kusca.
Četrnaestogodinja Anastasija Ivanović došla je u pratnji majke Dragane Ivanović, kaže da se ne boji uboda vakcine, jer se navikla da dolazi na redovnu imunizaciju koja je za njen uzrast predviđena. Kaže da su njene sestre i braća svi vakcinisani i u potpunosti se slaže sa odlukom roditelja da sve njih vakcinišu redovnim vakcinama. Mama Dragana Ivanović ističe „ da je vakcinisanje dece jako bitno i da je njeno iskustvo pozitivno i da nije bilo nikakvog straha od redovne imunizacije dece“.
Pravovremena vakcinacija je ključna za zaštitu dece, mladih i starih od ozbiljnih i zaraznih bolesti. Cilj vakcinacije je stvaranje imuniteta na određenu bolest.
U Zdravstvenom centru Gnjilane sa sedištem u Pasjanu odaziv na vakcinaciju je i do 98% godišnje.
Od proglašenja pandemije UNICEF kroz različite programe podrške radi na jačanju kapaciteta i podizanju svesti o važnosti vakcinacije. U nekoliko navrata obezbeđena je zaštitna oprema za suzbijanje daljeg širenja COVID-a 19 za većinu zdravstvenih centara. UNICEF-ov program kućnih poseta koji finansira Vlada Luksemburga nastaviće da podržava sve Zdravstvene sisteme na Kosovu.
Author: Snežana Perić
The pandemic should not interfere regular immunization of a child
At the Health Center in Gjilane/Gjilan, based in Pasjane, children are vaccinated regularly according to the immunization calendar in all seven ambulances.In GornjeKusce, near Gjilane/Gjlan, vaccination of children is scheduled every Thursday,the response for immunization was the same as before the coronavirus epidemic, points out the coordinator for vaccination of pediatric specialists, Dr. Violeta Trajković.
According to the regular immunization plan, vaccination is carried out from the very birth of a child until the age of 18, during which time children acquire immunity against ten infectious diseases.The coronavirus pandemic did not interfere with the regular vaccination of children, points out pediatric specialist Dr. Violeta Trajković at the Health Center of Gjilan – Pasjana, where they have 1,000 vaccination.
According to Dr Trajković, „100 percent of children are vaccinated in the ambulance in village Gornje Kusce.“ In order for a child to be vaccinated, it is necessary to be completely healthy, special attention is paid to the neurological and physiological findings during the period of vaccination with the MMR vaccine. If the child is in poorer health, when he has a cold or is currently with a viral infection, then vaccination is postponed until the period of complete recovery. Examination of infants as well as all other patients is performed in compliance with all epidemiological measures. „
During the pandemic, the reorganization of the space was arranged so that during the vaccination, the pediatric department works only with healthy children, parents, guardians, and the temperature is measured when entering the ambulance.
Immunization is essential for normal growth and development
For Jović Ivana, the mother of two-year-old Aleksandra and three-month-old Dimitrije, immunization of children is of crucial importance for the normal growth and development of every child.“I have no dilemma – vaccination of children is in the first place, I am calmer and calmer because my children are protected from all those early diseases after vaccination.We apply every recommendation, advice, take care and do not go out except in the most necessary situations, because the crown is present in our society and that is the only thing we are now afraid of with our children and husband,but I can praise our Dr. Violeta because she is there for us and our children at all times, her advice calms us down and gives us hope that all this will pass soon „, concludes Jović Ivana, a resident of village Kusce.
Fourteen-year-old Anastasia Ivanović came accompanied by her mother Dragana Ivanović, she says that she is not afraid of being vaccinated because she is used to coming for regular immunization, which is planned for her age. She says that her sisters and brothers have all been vaccinated and fully agrees with her parents’ decision to vaccinate all of them with regular vaccines. Mother Dragana Ivanović points out that „vaccinating children is very important and that her experience is positive and that there was no fear of regular immunization of children.“
Timely vaccination is key to protecting children, young and old from serious and infectious diseases. The goal of vaccination is to create immunity to a certain disease.
In the Health Center of Gjilane/Gjlan with its headquarters in Pasjane, the response to vaccination is up to 98% per year.
Since the declaration of the pandemic, UNICEF has been working through various support programs to strengthen capacity and raise awareness of the importance of vaccination. On several occasions, protective equipment has been provided to most Health Centers, to combat the further spread of COVID 19. UNICEF’s Home Visiting Program, funded by the Government of Luxembourg, will continue to support all health systems in Kosovo.