Porodica kao osnovna ćelija ljudskog društva / Family as the basic cell of human society

Petočlana porodica Subotić, živela je u Uroševcu, sve do juna 1999. godine, kada su, usled oružanog sukoba, morali da napuste rodno mesto u koloni izbeglica, samo sa torbom ličnih dokumenata. Ovako svoju životnu priču počinje pedesettrogodišnja Trajanka Subotić. Sa suprugom Krstom i troje dece, Trajanka, domaćica, nastavila je život u Kolektivnom centru „Hrast“ u Leposaviću.

Život raseljenih lica postao je veliki izazov za porodicu. Utočište su našli u kolektivnom centru sa zajedničkim kupatilima i toaletima i spavaćom sobom od deset kvadratnih metara. Trojanka nikada nije pravila razliku između dece smeštene u Kolektivnom centru “Hrast“, ​​delili su istu ili sličnu sudbinu, a svu decu bi obradovala nedeljom, spremajući krofne za sve, kako bi osetili toplinu i ljubav porodičnog doma.
Porodica Subotić se nije predavala, ali je svaku prepreku pretvorila u izazov koji je uspešno savladan. Trajanka sa ponosom ističe da joj je suprug Krsto bio najveća podrška u životu i da su podržavajući jedno drugo uspeli da budu porodica za primer, vredna divljenja.

U svom skromnom domu, Subotići su prkosili svim poteškoćama tokom školovanja svoje dece. Borislav, najstariji, ponosno je stekao diplomu medicine, postavši lekar. Srednji sin Aleksandar je diplomirao mašinstvo, dok je najmlađa Aleksandra specijalista ekonomije. Braća i sestre, sada uspešni profesionalci, svoja dostignuća pripisuju žrtvi svojih roditelja, koji su se odrekli luksuza da bi svojoj deci obezbedili najbolje obrazovanje.

Tridesetogodišnja Aleksandra se sa nostalgijom priseća svog detinjstva u Uroševcu, žudeći za izgubljenom vezom sa rodnim mestom i porodičnim domom. Uprkos ovoj čežnji, ona svedoči o besprekornom prilagođavanju društvu u Leposaviću. Toplo prihvaćena od svojih vršnjaka, pronašla je utehu u skloništu Kolektivnog centra, nikada ne osećajući odvojenost od sveta oko sebe.

U porodičnoj priči o istrajnosti, nekada sumorni narativ o raseljavanju pretvara se u svedočanstvo
ljubavi, upornosti i trajnog porodičnog duha.

The five-member Subotić family used to live in Uroševac/Ferizaj, until June 1999, when, as a result of the armed conflict, they had to leave their birthplace in a refugee column with only a bag of personal documents. This is how fifty-three-year-old Trajanka Subotić begins her life story. Trajanka, a housewife, with her husband Krsto and three children, continued her life in the Collective Shelter „Hrast“ in Leposavic/Leposaviq.

Life as a displaced become very challenging for the family. They found shelter in a colletive center with shared bathrooms and toilets, and a 10 square meter sleeping room. Trojanka never made a difference between the children accommodated in the „Hrast“ Collective Shelter, they shared the same or similar fate, and she would make all the children happy on Sundays, preparing donuts for everyone, so that they could feel the warmth and love of the family home.

Subotic family did not give up, but, they turned every obstacle into a challenge that was successfully overcome. Trajanka proudly points out, emphasizing that her husband Krsto was her biggest support in life and that by supporting each other they managed to be an exemplary family, worthy of admiration.

In the modest confines of their shelter, the Subotićs defied adversity to educate their children. Borislav, the eldest, proudly earned a degree in Medicine, becoming a doctor. Aleksandar, the middle son, graduated in Mechanical Engineering, while the youngest, Aleksandra, specialized in economics. The siblings, now successful professionals, attribute their achievements to their parents’ sacrifice, who relinquished luxuries to secure the best education for their children.

Now thirty years old, Aleksandra reminisces about her childhood in Uroševac/Ferizaj with nostalgia, yearning for the lost connection to her birthplace and family home. Despite this longing, she attests to a seamless adaptation to Leposavic society. Accepted warmly by her peers, she found solace in the shelter of the Collective Shelter, never feeling a disconnect from the world around her.

In the Subotić family’s tale of perseverance, the once bleak narrative of displacement transforms into a testament to love, tenacity, and the enduring spirit of family.

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