Strategic planning workshop with the Health Centers / Radionica strateškog planiranja sa zdravstvenim centrima
Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration/FDMC, UNICEF’s partner organization is currently implementing project in support to health services home visiting programme which will be expanded and institutionalized in 6 Serbian majority municipalities south of Ibar. The overall aim is to improve quality of the health delivery services by the end of 2020. On Thursday, 25th of June, FDMC has organized first strategic planning workshop with the directors of the three central Kosovo Health Centers in Gracanica, Gusterica, Ugljare including their medical staff and patronage nurses.
Project is funded by UNICEF/ Luxembourg Aid and Development.
Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju/FDMC, partnerska organizacija UNICEF-a trenutno implementira projekat o patronažnom programu koji će biti proširen u 6 srpskih opština južno od Ibra, sa poboljšanim kapaciteta zdravstvenih usluga do kraja 2020. godine. U četvrtak, 25.06.2020. godine održali smo prvu radionicu o strateškom planiranju sa direktorima domova zdravlja iz tri opštine sa centralnog Kosova, Gračanica, Gušterica i Ugljare i njihovim medicinskim osobljem, patronažnim sestrama.
Projekat je finansiran od strane UNICEF/Luxembourg Aid and Development.