Važnost vakcinacije – Jednostavan, bezbedan i efikasan način da zaštitite svoje dete / The importance of vaccination – An easy, safe and effective way to protect your child

Imunizacija spasava život, štiti decu od bolesti. Sva deca imaju pravo da se razvijaju i napreduju. Obezbedite vašem detetu zdrav početak života − vakcinišite ga na vreme.

Imunizacijom protiv zaraznih bolesti sačuvano je više života nego ijednom drugom intervencijom za zaštitu zdravlja, ukoliko se izuzme snabdevanje higijenski ispravnom vodom za piće. Imuni sistem vašeg deteta stvara antitela čiji je zadatak da napadnu ili unište mikroorganizme koji inficiraju njihov organizam.

Pitajte vašeg pedijatra za savet, potražite stručno mišljenje. Veoma je važna komunikacija i obaveštenost roditelja o načinu na koji deluje vakcina, protiv kojih bolesti se dete vakciniše i koji su potencijalni rizici. Neophodno je informisati javnost o vakcino-preventabilnim bolestima i njihovim posledicama, kao i značaju vakcinisanja na vreme. Pedijatri treba da ohrabre roditelje da postave pitanja, da iskažu saosećanje sa njihovom brigom, da tačno komuniciraju obuhvat vakcinacijom, kao i rizike od vakcina.

Vakcinacija protiv određenih zaraznih bolesti je zakonom obavezna i ona je u interesu zdravlja vašeg deteta.

Forum za razvoj i multietničku saradnju/FDMC, partnerska organizacija UNICEF-a, pripremila je ovu animaciju kao podsetnik za važnost vakcinacije, kako bi vaše dete bilo potpuno zaštićeno. Podržano od strane Luxembourg Aid and Development-a.

Immunization saves lives, protects children from disease. All children have the right to develop and progress. Provide your children with a healthy start in life – vaccinate them on time.

Immunization against infectious diseases saves more lives than any other health intervention, except for the supply of hygienically correct drinking water. Your child’s immune system creates antibodies whose task is to attack or destroy microorganisms that infect their body.

Ask your pediatrician for advice, seek for professional opinion. It is very important to communicate and inform parents about the way the vaccine works, against which diseases the child is vaccinated and which are the potential risks. It is necessary to inform the public about vaccine-preventable diseases and their consequences, as well as the importance of timely vaccination. Pediatricians should encourage parents to ask questions, to express sympathy with their concerns, to accurately communicate vaccination coverage, as well as the risks of vaccines.

Vaccination against certain infectious diseases is mandatory by law and it is in the interest of your child’s health.

Forum for Development and Multiethnic Collaboration / FDMC, UNICEF’s partner orgaization, has prepared this animation as a reminder of the importance of vaccination, so that your child is completely protected. Supported by Luxembourg Aid and Development.

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